Saturday, December 31, 2011


It is the last day of the year 2011.
2011 marked a lot of changes. I left the comfort of my established first job as a personal trainer and started over with a great company - still as a personal trainer, but on a way higher level. I stopped teaching group exercise classes. I learned a lot more about the fitness industry and studied a lot due to the new company, which offers classes for continued education. I got another tattoo with my Jasmin on our birthday. We both got the same thing. I also left the comfort of my Texas. That was a big one. I have started to like California now, but it was a struggle. Moving also meant starting over yet again with my job. Thanks to the great company I work for that was made easier than I thought, because I could just easily transfer locations. I went to Germany for two full weeks and "dropped off" my foster puppies. Roxy and Rocky were my little puppy projects for ten weeks and then they found new mommies in Germany in form of my sister Jasmin and my mom. I became a God-mother to a beautiful baby girl. Kali is my best friend's first child and she is adorable, a very happy baby. My car burned out in May and hence I got a new one. That was an experience I would not want to do all over. We went to Las Vegas for a wedding on 11.11.11. My parents booked their flight for their very first trip to the States. My aunt and uncle came by for a four-day-visit with their two girls during the summer time.
Here is my year in pictures.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

All I want for Christmas is.....

Figured I'd blog this month, too. 'Tis the Season for giving and love and cold weather.... I am in California, so drivers here are mean and it is not really cold, hehe he. I really miss my family and Christmas at my parents' house so I decided I'd go home next year for Christmas. My mom always buys a whole bunch of Christmas goodies for the Holidays and I cannot wait to eat it all. Last Sunday we had our company Christmas party and it was nuts. They rented out a club in downtown Hollywood and everybody from all the clubs in South California was invited, including the Sports Club L.A. peeps. There was so many people there, it was crazy! They had an open bar and food and great music! We had a lot of fun! Of course the party was the talk of Monday at work the next day. I cannot wait till 2012 and it is close! My parents will be here in April and I get to go to Germany for the holidays!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Oh dear holidays.....

'Tis the time of the year, when I really start to get sad and miss my family. December and Christmas and all that always makes me miss my family more because my mom and I used to cook together and make the Advent calenders and all that jam, it is just more family time around that time of the year. Last year my Jassele was about to come in a week, but not this year. This year it is just going to be Aaron & I, Champy, the beach and the palm trees, LOL. I have come to like California a little better now. Our condo is getting closer to become a home and I know my ways to work and back and know where I run my errands and all that. That makes a big difference, especially when I do not have to pull out my GPS for everything. The weather today is beautiful outside today - 81° F. Last night we walked(!) to a restaurant for dindin, that was great. Then we went out in Hollywood and saw Jack McBrayer from the show "30 Rock" and Chris D'Elia from "Whitney". They were just like non-TV-personalities, walking around, minding their own business. To me, that was a big deal, because they were the first "famous" people I have seen here since I moved here five weeks ago. Today, I talked to my parents and I am so excited, because they will be here before I know it. I mean, it is still not going to happen before April/May 2012, but they are SERIOUSLY coming to the States!!!! Jasmin might not be able to come next year though, but that is ok. I know I will be going to Germany for a little bit, probably ten days towards the middle of the second half of the year. Rocky is doing great - his stitches get taken out tomorrow. He was out of it for about two to three days, because he had been put under and because he was scared and so on, but now he is his old self, jumping around and squetching his toys till Jassele takes it away from him....

Monday, November 14, 2011

Viva Las Vegas!!

Jen and Justin are married!!! Whoop! Congratulations! For that lovely event Aaron and I got to take a break from California this past weekend and made it to Las Vegas, Nevada, to share this bond for love with Stacie, Majik, Derrick, Brett and some other people, but most importantly Jen and Justin! We stayed at the Palazzo and the Vdara and had a great time with friends! The part I loved most about this group of people is that though it has been a while, it felt very intimate and there was a feeling of trust with the conversations that went on during the trip, that made it unforgettable. Overall, Las Vegas is Las Vegas and I think without anybody getting married there and requesting our presence I will not go there again really, but it was definitely worth going! I had a great time! On another note, Rockyli is getting snipped this coming Friday (poor baby) and he loves playing in and with the falling leaves. We wanted to go Dallas, Texas, for Thanksgiving, but it is not going to happen. Boooo! Tomorrow is my new club's 6th year anniversary party, so I think that is going to be a lot of fun. We changed the time last weekend and as the days get shorter and darker I start not liking this time of the year. It makes me want to lock myself in the apartment and just snuggle up with my Champy, hot chocolate and a blanket. Oh ya and Aaron would be nice too, haha. Christmas is close! Starbucks brought on their holiday cups on 11/01 and I had my first holiday cup drink in Las Vegas AND they even spelled my name right!!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

I love the invention of cruise control in my car!

Two weeks ago I was still packing up our apartment in Dallas with Amber and Kali. Though I have talked to Amber almost every day, I still miss her and Kali. I do hear her screaming requesting milk too. Well, I did start working at my new location last Thursday, on October 27th instead of on Monday because our pod was not supposed to get here till Monday. I figured since I would not have anything to move in and unpack I might as well go to work. Well little did I know...... Aaron surprised me with movers whom he had move our stuff from the pod to the new apartment on Friday. So, I could not not go to work. I did both on the weekend. I finished with the kitchen on Friday night, did the closet Saturday after work and the shoes Sunday after work. Halloween weekend, go figure. For the last three years I have always ended up doing the closet(s) on that weekend. Oh well..... A lot of the things at my new location at work are different. Others are the same. I do have to admit though, that I do miss my Preston Hollowers..... It's just a different vibe, and I am not judging, it is just different. On Thursday we are going to sin-city, Las Vegas. Justin and his Jen are getting married. That is my first trip to sin-city and I have no idea what to expect. The year is almost over, too and that means not too long and I will be one year closer to the 3-0. My little foster doggy babies seem to be doing great. Jasmin sends me plenty of videos and pictures of the little fur-monsters every day and I cannot believe how big they have gotten since I had to leave them in Germany.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

A German in SoCal

This past weekend was THE weekend - the move weekend. During the entire last week, at least I feel like it, I ran errands in order to prep for the big move to Southern California. I spent most of the day Friday and all day Saturday with my Godchild Kali and her mommy Amber. They even spent the night. Friday night I got my hair done and had a feeling Aaron would surprise me. But to our disappointment he was not at home as we got to the apartment around 10.30pm. Well, 2.45am, door swings open, lights turn on, who sticks his head in the door? Aaron! Saturday we basically packed all day and Sunday morning I left around 10.30am to go to my half time stop spot in El Paso. I think I was already in New Mexico, but I am not sure. It took Champy and I around ten hours I think and we were tired! We saw the sun go down and some pretty sceneries. A couple of times on the entire trip it was weird to see signs that read the following "PRISON AREA - DO NOT PICK UP HITCH HIKERS!". And all of a sudden there was one, just one time though. Monday morning we got up at 7am and were back on the road at 7.50pm. We had to stop a couple of times to get gas and go potty or refuel on the caffeine side, but overall we drove twelve hours with a very undisturbed average of 72 miles per hour. Yayayayaya, I know..... Well, if the speed limit said 75 we went 80, if it said 65 we went 70. I saw multiple people getting pulled over but none of the highway patrol cars stopped for us. We drove all the way through Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and then some in California. I honestly gotta say the road conditions in Arizona are way better than in New Mexico.... Champy sure did not like his little seatbelt harness, so every time after I strapped him in there he waited for us to be back on the highway and tore himself free of it. That was okay though, because he stayed on his seat on his little doggy bed. Also, he did not like the sun shining on him while he was trying to sleep, so he went underneath the doggy bed for periods of time. Overall, it was a long trip. Not as bad as I anticipated, but I sure do not want to it again so soon...

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Two more weeks in Dallas - OR - Yet another new chapter is only two weeks away....

Two weeks are really no time at all. I was in Germany for two weeks. They passed fast, but the two weeks before I left - they sure did not pass fast enough. What really is two weeks? Nothing. I am going to be working the full two weeks, kicking some a$$ at work and I still have tons of other stuff to do. By the way, we are selling some furniture so if anybody needs anything let me know please and I will send you the link with pictures of the items. So that is one thing. Getting rid of some of our belongings, then I want to spend as much time as possible with my friends in Dallas. Yesterday, for example I spent most of the day with my precious Godchild Kali and her mommy and some of her family. Next weekend one of my good friend's sons has his very first birthday party, so I get to spend some time with little Zachary. Also, we have a company picnic Friday afternoon, so that will be fun as well. I will have to clean the apartment for move-out day, which I will have to do the week after this week, and oh ya, spend some time with my baby Champy. Then I have to run some errands before our trip. I have to get a leash thing for Champy, that I can attach on the seat belt, since he will be "road-tripping" with me. I already found a hotel midway, so we can take a break and get a good night's sleep before we drive the second half to our new home in California. Also, I have to get my car checked, should be fine though, just maybe a car wash and an oil change with tire rotation and all the good stuff before we drive those 1,400 miles to the Golden State. I am a little anxious about the change, since I do not really like change, but I know I will be fine once Champy and I will be there and we have our new routine down.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Going Out West - OR - Home Is Where The Heart Is

This past weekend I went to Los Angeles, CA, to check out Aaron's new and my soon-to-be home. It was really nice. One of the best weekends with the man this year. Friday afternoon I flew out there with the new awesome Virgin America (seriously, they are great; quick, entertaining, young) and Aaron picked me up. We drove around a little bit after dropping off my luggage and had dindin. (Here is the not-trainer: best chicken sandwich ever at "Fatburger" in Marina Del Rey!!) Then, we went by a bar in Venice, Nikki's, and stayed there till about 2am. The DJ was ridiculous, his music was so awesome we could not leave. Saturday we went to one of the clubs out there and Sunday I went to another one to check out a yoga class. We also looked at a couple of apartments and then had an awesome dinner with a walk right by the marina. Very relaxing weekend. It is always sad to leave, but oh well, it is only really a "see you later"!

Monday, September 19, 2011


Ok, ok, ok.... I guess we need to change the name of the blog to "A GERMAN IN CALIFORNIA", or "AN ANGEL IN THE CITY" (get the reference?? "City of Angels"), or something else. I am open to suggestions. Oh, why?? Because this German in Texas is moving to L.A., California in two months. Hmm, other than those minor news.... I got back from Germany about a week ago, only to find my house tv- and internet-less, but obviously that glitch is fixed now. Germany was nice, but I am really not "home" there anymore. I missed my Champy and everything, which is hard to read for my family and friends in Germany, I know. But i miss them, too, when I am over here. Where am I happier though? Here, in the U.S., that's why I decided back in 2007 to apply for my Greencard. Ha, I am one of those people now, too, who can address someone as my roommate, hehe he. The babies are doing great in Germany, though Champy still has not forgiven me, I think, that I left his bestie Roxy there and came home with only toys for him as bait for him not to be mad, but I do not think he can oversee this one. My mom totally amuses me with stories about the little fur princess whenever I talk to her and Jasmin sends me tons of pictures and a video daily (please do NOT EVER STOP) to keep me updated on my little projects. Parting with them was VERY, VERY, VERY HARD! I am still sad and I miss Rocky's pig-sounds and Roxy's whining at night time when she wants to snuggle. Friday I am going to L.A., California for a visit. First time to the West Coast of the country..... it was about that time! Cannot wait!!

Sunday, September 4, 2011


One week later and it is raining in Germany - urgh! Last Friday the pups and I went on our journey and everything went awesome - till I got a text that my flight from Frankfurt to Hannover was cancelled. There was some air traffic jam, so most of the inland flights got cancelled, but I took the train to Hannover, which worked out better anyway. I felt sick to my stomach as we landed in Frankfurt, so I was happy to take the two and a half hour train ride with the pups. We all took a nice hour long nap and relaxed on the very spacious train! Other than that everything went really awesome with the pups. I aniticipated some trouble, but there was none. They did not really make any noise and I think they slept most of the flight anyway. Since I have been here I have seen most of my friends and family and have still spent a lot of time with the pups, since I have to leave them here. The weather yesterday was awesome. It was nice and sunny - perfect for a BBQ at my parents' house after a long day at a fitness convention. I had to do three(!) hours of yoga! One hour "open your heart" in the am and then two hours of "contact" yoga, which is yoga with a partner. My back is so sore today, it is ridiculous! Over all, the week passed pretty fast. I really miss my Champy though!

Monday, August 22, 2011

ANTICIPATION - or - :-( soon it will be time to give my foster puppies to their real mommies :-(

So, today is Monday. Friday I am going to Germany - with the pups. This past weekend I ran all the last errands, including picking up the babies' health papers (and paying for them), dropping them off for their first haircut and finding a carrier for them big enough so they both fit in there. I got it all done. Now, I am not sure if I will be allowed to take the babies out on board, but I really do not give a $h*t. The bag is ok in size, but I still feel bad. Plus, it was really fun to search for a bag that takes in account the dimensions that the airlines allows - impossible!!! They are ALL bigger! Anyway, so August was a pretty busy month. We had class at work for the next trainer level, with all the tests and weekend classes, as well as a kettlebell certification workshop over ten hours and I also turned in a case study for the promotion at work. All while being blessed with poop most of the mornings for one week, before I finally changed the pups' feeding schedule and fixed that issue. It is always fun to either come home to dogs covered in $h*t or to wake up to pups covered in $h*t. Their breed (shih-tzu) takes on a total new meaning with those sort of fun surprises. No, but seriously. I got the pups as they were eight weeks old. They will be 18 weeks old in two days and I am really gonna miss them. They have their own smell, their own ways of doing things and are just so adorable. On the other hand, I am gonna miss my Champy as well sooooo much while I am in Germany. That will be the first time I will be separated from my baby for two full weeks, sniff sniff. I hope he will not be traumatized, with his mommy AND his favorite play-mates leaving.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

We might have to reconsider this blog's name.....

Why? Ha, teaser! Anyway, I'll be in Germany in four weeks, wheeee!!! I am super excited! Hopefully my God-child Kali will be born before I leave, so I can meet her! Again, if anyone wants to spend time with me, please let me know, so we can make plans. Jasmin and my parents have lots of things planned with and for me. This past weekend my aunt and uncle and their two girls were here. We had a blast! That was my first family visit besides my sister, but next year in May my parents plan on coming here and I believe my Jassel as well. The babies are growing and learning every day. Right now we are trying to get them used to their collars, which they do not really like, but oh well. I cannot wait till they meet their mommies! They sure have nice personalities. Rocky and Roxy got their microships and their second shots a couple of weeks ago and in two weeks we need to get the third round of shots done, as well as their health certificates and the USDA appproval. Right now they are snugggling in their little bed. Too cute. It's gonna be really hard to leave them in Germany after having spent like three months with them. :-(

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Lucky number 7

So, seven more weeks and I will be in Germany. YES!! With the babies! I booked my flight about two weeks ago and also called LH to let them know that I will be bringing two doggies on board, so we are all set. This coming Friday Rocky and Roxy will be getting their microship and their shots and then the vet needs to sign their health certificate about two weeks before we leave and we are good. I am so excited, I just can't hide it. Potty training is going too. It could be going better, but it is not too bad. Right now at work I am taking a class to be promoted to the next tier level. It sure is different if you have been out of school for a while and have to go back to studying again. Talk about sitting on your a** for a total of ten (!) hours this weekend! I was so tired last night after class that I snoozed off on the bed for two hours. LOL Jasmin moved this past week, so she had no internet for a week or so and did not see her baby for that time as well. That was sad. Rocky missed seeing his mommy very much! And so did his mommy, hehe he. It has been hot, hot, hot here in Dallas, TX EVERY DAY!!! For my German readers: 40°C im Schatten. Even the babies are hot, they always just lay down outside and then when we come back up they lay down on the tile to cool off. My aunt and uncle are coming with their kids in two weeks and I am not sure what they were thinking as they planned their trip to Texas at the end of July. Oh well, thank God for air conditioning, hehe he. I am excited about that though, too!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Peeps, get ready.

The date is set, the flight is booked. I am ready. It has been a little over a year now that I was in Germany. Today I booked my flight. I will be landing in Germany on August 27th and I will leave on September 10th. I plan on having a brunch with my friends again like we did two years ago on the 28th around 11am probably at the same spot we went to last time. Ladies, I wanna see all of y'all! I cannot wait to see you all and catch up with you guys! And then there is the food, hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm.Anyway. I have been very busy, so excuse my lack of blogging, but here we are now. I have been working a ton and am very excited about it as well! I love my job! Also, I threw my first baby shower yesterday for Miss Amber, who is carrying Aaron and my God-child Kali. I hope she will be here before I leave for Germany, because the official due date is at the end of August. So, Amber and I have been out and about a lot prepping for the big party day, which went well, though the turn-out was not what I expected it to be. I have been missing my family a lot more. Well...... it has been over a year that I saw them, so go figure. Wednesday I picked up the new, but only temporary additions to the family, Rocky and Roxy, who will accompany me on my journey to Germany :-). They are so cute. They are eight and a half weeks old today. I am working on potty-training them, so my mom and my sis will not have to deal with that at least. They will be Champy's age as I got him when they get them. I am so excited. At the end of next month my aunt and uncle with their two kids will be here for four days, which is very exciting as well. I cannot even remember the last time I saw them - probably at my good-bye party over two years ago. Anyway, 69 more days and I will be back in Germany. Yes, I actually started the countdown like three weeks ago, I am so excited!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Here is to the wedding season

Tomorrow is Asa and Dan's big day - they are getting married. I am so excited for them! Two weeks ago we picked up my new car, a black Volkswagen GTI, which is super fast. I am sure I will get a speeding ticket in this car eventually, it is just so much fun to drive in it - fast. 91 days and I will be back in Germany for two weeks. I cannot wait. I miss my sister, mom and dad and my brother so much. And the food...... Don't even get me started..... In two months though my uncle and aunt will be here with their two kids and that is going to be exciting as well, the kids have never been here. My aunt and uncle were here like 15 years ago or so and drove through the country, which they plan on doing this time also. Such a great opportunity. Champy is the same hyperactive doggie. His birthday is coming up soon. Lately I have met a lot of new people at work who mostly ask me how long I have lived in the States and it truly amazes me that it has been two years and almost four months. Not really that long if you really think about it. I do know though, though I miss my family and some of the foods in Germany, I love living my dream - living in the United States of America. Living and working here. Just being here. Last Tuesday we had a Tornado touch down in Irving, about 30 minutes from here, which was crazy, because Aaron and I watched the sky from the living room and everyone else went to find shelter, hehe he. Nice experience, but we do not need to repeat that. Other than that, we finallly got some patio furniture and I was blessed with about twenty mosquito bites after having sat out there for about 30 minutes.

Monday, May 9, 2011

I know that Karma is a bitch, but this is getting ridiculous

Also, I do not think I deserve all this. Karma always comes back to you, but I did not do anything that would justify all this.
Well, let's start at the beginning. Aaron came back into town late, booooo. Then he had to work the next four days leading up to his birthday and on his birthday. For his birthday dindin the night before his birthday I had made dindin reservations for a bunch of people at Dragonfly at Hotel Zaza. Let's just say it was not what we anticipated it to be. After that the plan was to go to "Rio", which we did but Derrick and I told Aaron "Happy Birthday" in the car, since we did not make it to the club before a little after midnight. No biggie. We took a seat at the table and had a fun night. The place was a little overcrowded, but it was fun. We got home at 3am and Aaron had to be at work at 9am on his Birthday. I brought him "Sprinkles Cupcakes" before I went to go look at the puppies at Amber's house. Later that night I took Aaron out for his birthday dindin, which was delicious!
Wednesday morning, 3.45am. My phone keeps on ringing with a local but to me unknown number, so I do not answer it. 4am. Knocking on the door, repeatedly. Aaron gets up to check who is at the door and comes back laughing to the bedroom. "There has been an incident with your car and we need to come downstairs to check it out.". Huh??? So, here is what we saw.
Yea... So, if anyone could please explain to me how something like THAT can happen if a car is just sitting in a parking lot, please let me know. Also, I have no clue about cars, so preferable act as if I am a three-year old and explain it to me. Thank you.
My vehicle of choice now is my bike, LOL.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

One pound of hair - OR - The curse of the vehicles

Well, this past week was quiet eventful. Last Thursday I got an email that my bicycle had arrived at the store. Aaron asked one of his friends if we could borrow his bigger car and we went on our way Friday night just to find the bike unassembled. We asked for it to be put together, so we can come get it Saturday night. I called Saturday to make sure it had been put together just to find out that the bike people were off on Saturdays and we would have to wait till Sunday. No biggie (at that point I was ok). Sunday rolls around and I call again to make sure we are not gonna waste our time. Nope, the bike has been misplaced, sold or I do not know what. So then I was upset. How do you loose a bicycle in a box that is almost as big as a mattress? Anyway, so I went online to see if any other store had the bicycle and after numerous hang-ups, disconnections and whatever else I finally found one. So, Aaron and I got the bigger car (again) and went to another store. The bike there was not on display but one of the employees was so helpful and grabbed it from the back - unassembled of course as well. Oh well, we took it with us along with a matching backpack, lights and a lock. Putting it together took about two hours or so. Wow. So, Monday afternoon I actually rode it to work, 4 miles, no biggie, just to find it with a flat on Tuesday as I was getting ready to ride it back to work again in the pm. Rear tire at that as well. BUT, handy woman that I am, I fixed it! First I tried to fix the little tear, but that did not work since it was at a really bad spot so I got another inside tube for $7.50 and fixed it, another time. YEAY! Now it is fine! Whoop Whoop.

On another note, I was on national T.V. on Monday night. How exciting. I was really nervous, because originally I thought I had to do something else, but it turned out fine and everybody was really nice! Here is the segment:,0,5382606.story

So, that was fun. Now, it has been around 30°C in Dallas, TX and Champy has been really hot. He got a haircut. :-( His hair is really short now, but he can BREATHE. And it will grow out again and then he will be the little fur-ball again. All that hair that was cut off equalled ONE POUND less Champy on the scale. CRAZY! I bet he feels like it was a ton!

Cody got a short cut as well. She is used to it though. She has worn her hair that short before, but she sure did not like it as her face hair was cut and her nails. On another note, the other day I was craving my childhood public pool snack: Hannover Waffeln. So I went to the store and bought the overpriced, imported snack from my mother country.

Last weekend was date-night time on Saturday. Aaron and I went to "Ziziki's", which is an awesome Greek restaurant and then we went out with his friends. You can tell that it is close to S-U-M-M-E-R when I am wearing a short dress and heels to go out!