Thursday, July 22, 2010


Let's see... what has been going on? Work, sleep, work, eat. Really. Mostly in that order. Oh well, I get to relax on the weekends, since I try not to work then, but other than that I have been at work between 6am and 8am, depending on the day of the week and my clients and I have been at home between 8.30pm and 9.30pm. I do take a nice lunch break though with a much needed nap of about one and a half to two hours if I had to get up at 5am. But really, it is easier for me to get up at 5am than at 6am. And the bottom line really is, there is no big difference of the hour when you have to get up, getting up and out of bed is hard at any time of the day.
Other than that I miss my Jassele, and so does Cody. She tells me every day.....

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