Sunday, June 1, 2014

The Peak of our Lives

A little over twelve years ago the man and I met as I was an exchange student in Dallas, TX for my senior year of High School. He made leaving impossibly and indescribably hard. This year we (well, more he) took that Gaussian function of a bell curve to its peak and sealed the deal of a lifetime. In front of six witnesses (plus today's technology-allowing cross-atlantic internet connection on mobile devices) we swore to never lose our humor. That was a month ago, two days before the day that we met twelve years ago. Perfect. We kept it quiet simple, as we are and simply quiet as well. Hehe hehe. 
In the meantime I have received my American passport, changed my status at the Social Security Administration and took another field trip to the place where you feel like you're in a Zoo of humans - the DMV. Though the SSA comes pretty close in comparison as well. 
I planned on going to Germany this summer since my parents did not make it here in the spring but since the airlines all have very inconvenient and rather pricey connections to chose from I will probably just stay here and wait for my sis and Mara to come in the fall. I am a little sad about that, but I cannot change the things I cannot control. 

the kids doing what they do best....

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