Sunday, March 28, 2010


Aaron got back to Dallas on Tuesday afternoon, but I did not get to see him till later on that night, because around the time he got to the apartment I had to be back at work already. L He went by Tut’s house after his flag football game and brought home not only himself, but some peanut-butter-soup as well, so that was awesome! He had decided to stay in Vegas till Tuesday because his flight to ATL would have been delayed again and he would not really have been able to enjoy his stay there. Wednesday was a normal day. I taught my class at night and then went home. Since Aaron is super-awesome he brought home the second “Twilight”-movie but we were not able to watch the whole thing because we were both tired and still had to pack, so we finished it on Saturday. Thursday morning our flight was at 5.50am, but we got to the airport a little late. 20 minutes late. If we had not wanted to check one suitcase we would have been okay, but with checking luggage you have to be there 40 minutes before the plane leaves. I still had no clue where we were going. So, we got on another flight, an hour later to Atlanta. While we were waiting Aaron told we were going to Nassau. Geographically challenged as I call myself I was like “I have no idea where that is”, and Aaron responded “Bahamas”. I was so excited. I thought he was going to take me to Mexico or Costa Rica, since he has been there before, but the Bahamas?? I texted Jasmin to let her know and she was excited too. (See, mentioned you J) So, we flew through ATL to Nassau, a quick ride in a taxi to the Sheraton on Cable Beach and we went to the beach to have some lunch. The food at the “Dolphin Grill” was not the best, but the view was awesome. After that we had to take a nap and went the so-called “fish-fry” later that night for dindin. After dinner we went back to the hotel, because I wanted to take a walk on the beach. We got something to drink at the bar and some cheese cake to eat in our room later. After the beach-walk we hung out at the bar for a little bit and Aaron got some Bahamian currency. We slept till after 11am the next morning, so we missed breakfast, but we got something to eat at the Caribe Café to have breakfast at the beach! I got burned big time at the beach and my legs are still hurting. We were there for like two hours, but the sun was more intense I guess. Aaron and I both took a nap and ordered room-service that evening, which was nice and relaxing. We kept on napping, but did not really go to sleep. Our flight was at 7.30am the next morning, so we had to leave the hotel at 5.30am. Check-in at the small airport was fine, but my legs were killing me. Even though we were not gone for too long I really enjoyed getting away and experiencing a nice change of scenery. Tomorrow it is back to work and Aaron is leaving to Africa this week as well. April is right around the corner and Easter Sunday is in a week. Jasmin is getting her internet back on tomorrow, so I am excited to talk to her (that’s two).

Sunday, March 21, 2010

'Cause you're hot, then you're cold....

March 2010 in Dallas, TX: Thursday, 18th 70 degrees fahrenheit, Saturday, 20th later that night SNOW!!!! Are you kidding me? It is officially spring this weekend and it is snowing! RIDONCULOUS!!!! I went back to teaching and work last week and feel a lot better. If only this cough would disappear now…. Aaron went to Las Vegas on Thursday for a business convention and Cody and I have been home alone. He was supposed to get back home yesterday but thanks to DELTA he could not. His flight and all the flights to Dallas or anywhere else had been way overbooked, so he has to wait till Monday to fly to Atlanta and then from there to DFW on Tuesday morning. Again, ridonculous! The doggy and I miss the man. Plus it is cold and the blanket is not doing the greatest job with snuggling. Anyway, the only good thing is that Aaron and I are going on our trip on Thursday. We are going to be gone till Saturday and I have no clue where he is taking me. I know we are flying to somewhere where it is warm, but apparently that is not so hard, since it SNOWED last night. I am really excited to get away from everything for a couple of days and just take a break and be with the man. And then before we know it, Easter is coming up as well. Wow, this year sure is passing fast! Cody enjoyed the snow this morning, but I did not want her to be too cold, so I put her raincoat on. She did not even protest, she probably knew how cold it was from last night. Oh speaking of which. Last night the fire alarm in the area was on forever. So, around midnight I was fixing to go to bed and there was an intercom announcement in the apartment complex to take the fire exits downstairs because apparently there had been an emergency. So I get dressed, Cody was asleep, took the stairs down and….. nothing. There were two fire trucks outside and some residents in the lobby but there was nothing wrong in our building. Someone said there was something going on in the other building, but it was safe for us to go back in the apartments…. LOL. What if something serious had happened and I had left the doggy?? Shame on me. I gotta take her with me next time, even if she is asleep!!!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Spring Forward!!

It is official. We are on Daylight Saving Time, so in my world that means no more gloves and freezing temperatures! Summer here we come. Well, this first half of March has been pretty busy. At work I have been really busy and broke my body down a little too much with subbing too much Zumba® lately. So I got sick. I always say “Listen to your body and slow down if you need or you are going to break down!”, and now that happened to me. About ten days ago my right lower back started hurting and I did not think much of it. Kept on going, teaching and working out with weights, a lot more that week than usually because I started a new workout routine. Aaron went out of town for work on Friday afternoon and that night I already felt dizzy. Should have listened to the body. Saturday morning I had to sub at “Equinox”, which I had agreed to the Tuesday before, because I cannot say no. Anyway. I barely made it through class, felt dizzy halfway through and saw black spots. I just told myself to suck it up and made it through somehow. Probably the worst class I ever taught. Went to work after that to see three of my PT clients and then got something to eat on my way home. I have no clue how I made it to do laundry and give Cody a bath, but I crashed on the couch at 7pm and slept there till midnight. Went to bed and woke up an hour later – soaked in sweat. I was hot and cold all Sunday and decided not to teach my class on Monday morning. Went to work, because I thought I could and gave in at 4pm to go home. Crashed again. Aaron got me some pain killers and I stayed home till Wednesday. I have not felt like that in years and was really miserable. Still, I refused to go see a doctor, because I do not like doctors. I am all good now though. On March 4th I booked a ticket to go to NEW YORK CITY!!!!! YEAY!!!!! It was a steal, too. I was going to wait till Friday, because I got paid, but then I thought a lot of people get paid on the 5th, so they will probably raise the prices, so I decided to book it on the 4th. Good thing I did!!! Saved me about $50! On April 22nd I am going to NEW YORK CITY!!!! I am so excited to see Yeliz and Noura! It has been over a year! I am only going to stay till Saturday, but we are going to have sooooo much fun! The sun has been showing her face a lot and that makes me very happy! Jasmin is fixing to go to Turkey to another resort where she is going to stay at till November. She will not be able to take off work for August for the Convention in Orlando and I really do not want to experience that without her. I decided not to go and rather save the money to do something fun-fun-fun when she will be here next. If everything works out she might be here for a little longer at the end of the year and then maybe we can go to NEW YORK CITY together for some Christmas shopping with Yeliz or something like that. Can’t wait for it to be April 22nd!!!!!!